Sunday, September 14, 2014

Loving Memory

Today, September 14, 2014 -
it's already five years ago since Pipke passed away.
I just cannot believe that it can be that long ago. Never thought that her absence would weigh so heavy.
I know - for the world she just might have been a silly duck, but to me, 
she meant the world.
My dear little loyal friend

Fate has brought us together.
I found you at the most precarious moment of your life.
You were only a few minutes old, so tiny, vulnerable and whole alone struggling to stay alive.
Luckily I was there for you at the right moment so I could save you.
In return you gave your little life to me; and what a life it was!
Beyond expression is my love for you; and for my gratitude
words fail me.
In my mind all memories are alive and deeply etched. 
In my heart I've reserved the softest place for you.
For as long as I'm aware of myself … I will remember you. 
For always


May 25, 1995 - September 14, 2009.

*In loving memory

*Watch: Pipke's life story in a nutshell.

PS: the sequel of Pipke's life story will follow soon. 
Thanks for your patience.