May I present myself.
I'm Pipke!
I'm really glad to welcome you here at my second home.
My mate Fran has built this second nest especially for me.
and I'm Fran, Pipke's mate.
With much love and devotion I have built this new nest for her.
At this new home I want to give her a second life and I want to share it with you.
Here you will get to know the sweetest duck that ever lived.
You will be the witness of her birth, her baby and toddler time. How she grew up and how she chose me as her partner.
You will also experience the cheerful happy times, (this is the largest chapter) and the bad times we had together, the adventures she had (and she had several), her appearance on TV, how she (and we) grew old and the heaviest moment in our life: how we had to say farewell to her.
This will be her full detailed life and love story supplemented with many pictures and film pictures.
However, I hope that this new nest will merit your approval and that you find it not only solid but also soft and warm enough.
Of course it's on you to add more soft *fluffs to make the place cozy, so it will become the perfect new nest for Pipke. (You always need to add new fluffs to a nest in use or it will decline.):)
I will lay my first **egg very soon, I only need a little more time to adjust some supporting twigs here and there.
To close this first real post here on her new nest I want to dedicate this song to Pipke. I have chosen this (click on this) song in particular because it shows the way I feel and think about her.
Somewhere out there …. are you the one I loved most dearly!
I still can shed tears that she is gone or I can smile because she has lived.
I prefer to smile.
I hope you'll be here to enjoy the wonderful happy times we had together.
We thank you for your presence.
See You!
PS: For me soft *fluffs are “comments” and of course with **egg I mean: that I will start to publish the first part of the story.
I can't lay eggs yet!:):)
:):) Have you noticed that I got already a few comments on my previous post while I was constructing this new home! I really enjoyed it. LOL
The commenters told me that there was a problem with the link.
On 3/3/2012 I discovered that the Youtube film that I'd selected first was no longer available!
I had chosen a piano (non-vocal with only lyrics) version but because it was no longer available I had to replace it with the one you can see now.
I have chosen this song especialy for the lyrics.
On 3/3/2012 I discovered that the Youtube film that I'd selected first was no longer available!
I had chosen a piano (non-vocal with only lyrics) version but because it was no longer available I had to replace it with the one you can see now.
I have chosen this song especialy for the lyrics.
As a souvenir to this special event, may I ask you to sign the guest book before you leave.